About me
I am currently a postdoc with Prof. Gaurav S. Sukhatme at USC. I was a Ph.D. candidate at UMD in ECE working with Prof. Pratap Tokekar. I received my M.S. and B.S. in EE at Harbin Institute of Technology. I mainly work on coordination and learning algorithms for multi-robot decision-making under uncertainty with an emphasis on information gathering applications.
Recent news
- 2024/12: I was selected as a finalist for IEEE RAS Best Dissertation Award on Multi-Robot Systems 2024.
- 2024/09: One paper accepted to ISRR’ 24.
- 2024/09: Our work “Fast k-connectivity Restoration in Multi-Robot Systems for Robust Communication Maintenance” has been nominated for a best paper award at the 17th edition of the International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS).
- 2024/08: One paper accepted to WAFR’ 24.
- 2024/06: Two papers accepted to IROS’ 24 and one to DARS’ 24.
- 2024/01: One paper accepted to ACC’ 24 and one to ICRA’ 24.
- 2023/11: I started to work as postdoc at RESL.
- 2023/03: I was awarded The Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship.
- 2023/01: Our paper Robust Multiple-Path Orienteering Problem: Securing Against Adversarial Attacks is available on IEEE Transactions on Robotics.
- 2020/01: I jointed RAAS lab and started to work on multi-robot coordination.
Honors and awards
- The Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship (2023)
- International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR) Travel Grant (2022)
- ECE Outstanding TA Award (2019)
- Clark School of Engineering Distinguished Graduate Fellowship (2017)
- ENEE 621 Estimation and Detection Theory
- ENEE 307 Electronic Circuits Design